Пока что тема находится в работе. Перевод будет позже.
Ageing Potion (Зелье старения)
ingredients: unknown
Effect: Causes the person drinking it to grow older. The more Ageing Potion one drinks, the more one ages.
Amortentia (Амортенция)
ingredients: unknown (but see love potion)
Effect: The most powerful love potion in the world; see love potion for discussion of effects.
Recognizable by its distinctive mother-of-pearl sheen and by the fact that its steam rises in characteristic spirals. The potion smells differently to different people according to what attracts them.
Babbling Beverage ("Болтушка для молчунов")
Causes the target person to talk nonsense.
Beautifying Potion (Зелье красоты)
Potions to make the drinker more lovely in appearance.
Confusing & Befuddlement Draught (Помрачающий и Одурманивающий отвар)
Effect similar to that of Confusing Concoction.
ingredients: sneezewort, scurvy-grass, and lovage
Confusing Concoction (Помрачающее сознание варево)
Effect is to cause confusion
Blood-Replenishing Potion (Кровевосстанавливающее зелье)
Medical magic: this potion makes up for lost blood.
Calming Draught (Глоток спокойствия)
Calms emotional turmoil.
Deflating Draught ("Выкачивающее воздух" зелье)
Antidote to Swelling Solution.
Draught of Living Death (Глоток Живой Смерти)
ingredients: asphodel in an infusion of wormwood; valerian roots, sopophorous bean.
Effect: Causes someone to fall into a deep sleep.
Draught of Peace (Глоток Спокойствия)
ingredients: includes powdered moonstone and syrup of hellebore
Effect: calms anxiety and soothes agitation.
Elixir of Life (Эликсир Жизни)
ingredients: unknown, but it is derived from the Philosopher's Stone
The Elixir of Life extends life, but requires that the drinker consume it regularly for all eternity if the drinker is to maintain his or her.
Euphoria (Эйфория)
ingredients: includes a sprig of peppermint in the Half-Blood Prince's version
Effect: Induces euphoria in the drinker, with occasional side effects of excessive singing and nose-tweaking (the peppermint would tend to counterbalance that effect).
Exploding Fluid (Взрывной Раствор)
ingredients: include Erumpent fluid
Effect: unknown (well, it explodes of course, but besides that)
Felix Felicis (Феликс Фелицис)
ingredients: unknown
Until the effects wear off, all the drinker's endeavours will tend to succeed. Once consumed, the potion gives the drinker an exhilarating sense of confidence and a tremendous sense of opportunity. However, if taken in excess the potion causes giddiness, recklessness, and dangerous overconfidence, and it is highly toxic in large quantities.
Fire Protection Potion (Огнестойкое зелье)
ingredients: unknown
Protects the drinker from being burned by magical fire.
Forgetfulness Potion (Зелье Забытья)
Effect: uncertain, probably makes a person forget things.
Garrotting Gas (Удушающий газ)
Invisible gas which apparently knocks people unconscious.
Hair-Raising Potion (Дыбоволосное зелье)
ingredients: include rat tails
Exact effect unknown
Hate Potion (Зелье Ненависти)
ingredients: unknown
Reveals the worst faults and habits of the target person to the drinker.
Hiccuping Solution (Икотное зелье)
ingredients: unknown
Exact effect unknown, but presumably causes hiccups.
Invigoration Draught (Укрепляющий напиток)
ingredients: unknown
Exact effect unknown, but presumably invigorates the user
Mandrake Draught (Мандрагорное зелье)
ingredients: include Mandrake, of course
This powerful antidote will revive people who have been Petrified.
Murtlap Essence (Экстракт муртлапа)
A solution of strained and pickled Murtlap tentacles, yellow in color. Soothes and heals cuts and other wounds.
A seashore-dwelling rodent native to Britain, this ratlike creature has on its back a growth resembling a sea anemone, which when pickled can be used to promote resistance to curses.
Pepperup Potion (Бодроперцовое зелье)
Cures the common cold.
Polyjuice Potion (Оборотное зелье)
lacewing flies stewed 21 days, leeches, powdered bicorn horn, knotgrass, fluxweed picked at full moon, shredded boomslang skin, a bit of who one wants to turn into
Effect: Transforms a person to look exactly like someone else. One dose lasts for one hour, but doses can be renewed, apparently indefinitely.
Shrinking Solution (Уменьшающее зелье)
ingredients: chopped daisy roots, skinned shrivelfig, sliced caterpillar, one rat spleen, dash of leech juice
Effect: Makes things shrink in size, apparently reversing the aging process as well.
Skele-Gro (Костерост)
Medical magic: Potion which regrows bones. The effect takes about eight hours and can be quite painful.
Sleeping Draught (Глоток сна)
Effect: causes the drinker to fall into a deep sleep.
Strengthening Solution ("Микстура силы")
ingredients: salamander blood, possibly pomegranate juice at some stage
Unknown, but presumably increases the user's strength.
Swelling Solution (Раздувающий раствор)
ingredients: puffer-fish eyes
Causes something to get bigger.
Truth Potion (Зелье правды)
ingredients: can include Jobberknoll feathers
Forces a person to tell the truth.
Veritaserum (Веритасерум)
The most powerful Truth Serum available, this colourless, odourless potion (which looks like plain water) forces the drinker to tell the truth.
Wit-Sharpening Potion (Зелье ума)
ingredients: ground scarab beetle, cut up ginger root, armadillo bile
Effect is presumably to make a person think more clearly.